A simple way to distinguish between latex gloves and nitrile gloves



Gloves are common personal protective equipment in our daily life. There are many types of common gloves, such as latex gloves, nitrile gloves, and neoprene gloves. In practical applications, many people cannot correctly distinguish between latex gloves and nitrile gloves. Here are some simple methods to help you quickly distinguish between the two types of gloves.

1. The difference in color

Latex gloves are usually light yellow or pink in color, while nitrile gloves are usually dark blue, black or gray in color. Of course, there are also a few nitrile gloves that are also light yellow in color. Therefore, when choosing gloves, a simple distinction can be made according to the color.

2. The difference in touch

Latex gloves are relatively thick and have high elasticity and softness, so they feel comfortable and soft to the touch after wearing them. Nitrile gloves are slightly thinner than latex gloves, but they also have good elasticity and softness, and feel smoother. Therefore, there is also a difference between the two gloves in terms of touch.

3. Differences in transparency

The transparency of latex gloves is relatively high, and the condition of the hand inside the glove can be seen at a glance. However, the transparency of nitrile gloves is relatively low, and the contours of the hand parts are not very clear. At the same time, the surface of nitrile gloves is relatively smooth, while latex gloves are slightly rougher.

4. Differences in chemical properties

Latex gloves are made of natural latex, which has good permeability, air permeability and water resistance. However, latex gloves are not corrosion-resistant and cannot be in contact with acids, alkalis and oily substances. Nitrile gloves, on the other hand, are made of nitrile rubber material that will not rot or oxidize due to contact with acids, alkalis, and oil-based chemicals.

Therefore, during use, appropriate gloves should be selected according to the nature of the substance being handled. In short, latex gloves can be distinguished from nitrile gloves in terms of color, touch, transparency and chemical properties. For ordinary people, it is easier to distinguish from color and touch. But for some professionals, the more rigorous distinction should be chemical properties. Therefore, when choosing gloves, it is necessary to choose the appropriate glove material and specifications according to actual needs, so as to achieve better personal protection effect.